Thursday, May 13, 2010


So things have been going pretty good. Cody has been training all week with his new job position. My job working at Ashley Furniture in Human Resource Department is going great. We spend Mother's day with my mom. This weekend we have a birthday party to go to. My friends son turns 3 years old. We got to go pick up another AC at some point soon. My hours at work will be changing to be normal soon since school is just about over. Not sure if i will be graduating or not this year. Things were tough for a little while and i fell behind. But i am dealing with it. Not much to say right now soon. I will have more to say.

As some of you may know I did have my blog set up to be only viewed by people/e-mail addresses I approve of. I have some friends that didnt have a log on name. So I changed it thinking it was ok and thinking the people I didnt want knowing what was going on in Cody's and my life would finally not look at it. With time gone by I must let you know that I am making it private again. I hate to have to do it but it is what I want. If you want to view it you can message me on facebook to let me know.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Great News

So I have some great news. Cody starts his new job position on Monday. He is now making a little more then me. Not sure what time he goes to work and gets home. I know it wont be like it was. So I am so happy for that. We need the money, well not like we did but it will help to save for my ring, the wedding and the house and kids. We are happy together. We love how things are with us and everything else. Another great news is we will be pretty much out of debt by July. I am so happy for that. We will still have to make payments on two credit cards (not bad at all) and two of Cody's student loans (not bad at all) and one of my hospital bills when i had to get surgery on my nose. But everything is going great. We will be getting cable back soon (which we haven't had for two years i think. But we aren't sure if we want it or not. (well i want it and Cody said he could live with out it some days). The new job of mine is going great. They are making some changes in staff. Got a new HR manager and two other HR people. They are very nice people. I am getting more job responsibility. More for me to do which i dont mind at all. Tomorrow is mothers day and we are going to go to my parents house to spend it with my Mom.