Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I must say I am sorry for not keeping up with my blogs. Cody and I have been so busy. Last Friday, my mom had a touple ware party. I went and took with me my great friend Kaylisha and her mom. So while we were there Cody and Kaylisha's boyfriend, Jon, got to hang out at the house. Kaylisha and I hope they become good friends. So since they dont know each other that well they hung out. I got pizza for them to make and there was beer. They got to play the Wii and Xbox. I had gotten some things for free. I am also going to be hosting an party at our apartment. So Cody and Jon can get to hang at Kaylisha's house. Kaylisha's mom, Karen, is still going through with chemo. She has stage 4 cancer. She is in high spirt. Cody and i have been working. We have some days off together to just relax together. I have been going to the gym a lot. I want to lose the weight and look good for the summer. I went Monday and Tuesday of this week and maybe tonight. I am very sore right now. Cody has been sick lately. He is getting better. We are both getting second jobs so that we can pay off all our credit cards. Last night we sat down and went through all of them. I wrote everyone down and how much we owe. Be both believe we can get them paid off this summer. We have a busy month coming up. I will be finish school in 4 weeks. Then we have Mother's Day, Ashley's birthday, my mom's birthday, my friends son's birthday party. What a busy time for us.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

This past Sunday was Easter. Cody and I gotten up and went to my Aunt Melissa's house. We got there for Christmas Dinner and Easter Dinner. When we had gotten there my cousin Nathan, 3, and my cousin Josh, 4, where about to do an Easter Egg Hunt. I went around with my Nathan to pick up all the eggs, well i held his basket while he put the eggs in them. As we were going around he kept saying, "Oh my gosh. Look what the Easter Bunny left me." He had so much fun. Josh did the Easter egg hunt with him. We later had dinner that was just so wonderful. I love getting with family during holidays. It is to bad Cody's family and my family live closer together, if they did then we would be able to visit both sides of the family on holidays. But Cody did get to part of his family before Easter which he really enjoyed. I know Cody wishes he parents had't moved so far away. But he is greatful for the family that live somewhat close and to be part of my family. Here are some pictures of the day. This Plant was found outside our door when we went to leave. This is a gift from the landlord.

My sister and Steve,
what a cute couple they make.

This is our Easter picture
this is our 4th Easter together

Nathan got tired during the Easter Egg Hunt so he had to
take a little breather.

There i am holding his basket while he picks the eggs up

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What A Great Weekend So Far

What an weekend it has been so far. We still have today. Happy Easter to everyone. Where do i start? Well I have been cleaning all week for Friday to come. For the first time, Jon and Ashley along with Shawn and Landon came to our apartment. We were looking forward to spending the day with them. It was so much fun. We meet at Cabela's. Then we went to get some lunch. After that they came to our place. We showed them around the apartment. I wanted to do an Easter Egg Hunt for the Shawn. Shawn wasn't feeling all that good so we did the Easter egg hunt in the house. From there Ashley and i took the boys to the mall. Cody and Jon went out and spent some brother time together. Then it was time for them to go. We hated saying good bye to them. Cody and I headed back home from the mall. Where we got to rest for a little then my mom dropped my cousin Cecilia off. My mom had been watching her for the day and was going to the gym to work out so i got to baby sit for a little. She had never been to our place before. Cody and i took her outside to play with chalk. Cody drew a very nice picture. We ran around in the back yard. Then my sister and her boyfriend, Steve, came over. The five of us walked down to the park to play for a little. After playing for a while we headed for the apartment again. Where my mom picked her to take her home to her daddy. My sister and Steve stayed for dinner and a movie. We had a busy day on Friday. Saturday Cody and i both worked. After work we came home and spent the rest of the day watching movies. Today we are going to my Aunts Melissa's to have Easter Dinner. There is also going to be an Easter Egg Hunt with my cousin Nathan and Josh. There are pictures of Friday and there will be pictures of today to come.
Me and Cecilia at the park

Brandy and Steve kissing at the park

Cody had showed Cecilia how to break a stick over her knee so she had to try for herself. She loved it.

Cody and Gizmo. Gizmo is a daddy's baby
But Cody did pick him out.

Ashely and Landon at Cabela's

Jon and Landon at Cabela's

I was showing Landon the fish.

Shawn with his Easter egg. The cats were watching him
They aren't use to little kids being around

Kisses good bye. She is an amazing person and future sister-in-law
I love you

The guys saying good bye in there own manly way. LOL

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happiness and Sadness

What a wonderful weekend Cody and I had. We got to spend time with Jon (his brother) and Ashley (sister-in-law) and Shawn and Landon. We had so much fun. We got to were they lived Saturday night. Ashley took me out for my belated birthday dinner. We went to Friendly's. While we were eat somehow Ashley mouth to the waiter that it was my birthday and i never saw her do this. He came out with a couple of other people and they sang to me. OMG I turned red. We also went to see a movie. After that we went back to her house and watched some TV before heading to be. This morning Cody and I got to spend some time with Jon before he was off to work. Then Cody, Ashley, Shawn, Landon, and i went to have lunch. What do you know, Ashley talked to the waitress and had them sing to me. Two days in a row. All i can say to that is OMG. After lunch we went to the playground. That was so much fun. It was so nice to watch Shawn and Cody play. Landon was so cute on the swing. Plus Landon had all the girls looking at him. They pooped us out. After the playground we stopped at Ritas. Then we were off to visit Pap (Cody's grandfather who is also Jon's grandfather). We were there for sometime. Then we headed off to Ashley's house. Ashley and I gave the boys a bath. I gave Landon a bottle and he was off to sleep. Shawn got to spend a little time with us before we had to head home. We hated saying goodbye to everyone. We enjoy our time with them all, i think we make the best of it. We came home to our two cats so happy to see us. We can not wait until Friday when Ashley, the boys, and Jon come to our place. It will be all there first time at our place. I cant wait. I have to make sure the house(apartment) is nice and clean and organized before they get here. I plan to do an easter hunt with the boys. Here are just a couple of pictures of the weekend

Ashley: Thank you for a wonderful day with the boys. We enjoyed every moment. Thank you for the dinner and movie. Plus the singing twice. I will remember this for you birthday. Love ya
Shawn and Cody getting ready to go down a big sliding bord.

Ashley being silly, she is trying to give cody bunny ears and he doesnt know it.

There is Jon.

There is the sweet pea on the swing, what a handsome Landon

My birthday cake from the lunch today.