Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cousin time

So yesterday we had to take Skyra (the black, female cat) to the vet. She has been doing this thing were is sounds as if she is coughing and cant get it to come out. Plus where her stitches are there is a bump. The vet said the bump can just be a reaction to the glue they put on top of the stitches. The cough could be that she might have a cold. So they clean her stitches a little and gave her meds which we have to give her two times a day for 7 days. Cody's car is falling apart. The muffler feel off yesterday. My uncle help fix it and it came off again today. So tomorrow they are going to work on fixing it. Tonight we picked up my cousin Josh and we took him to go get a game for his birthday. Josh is spending time with us and will be spending the night at our place. It is pretty kool spending time with him. He has been playing video games with Cody since he got here. Well i am coloring my hair right now. Got to go wash it out and spend more time with my cousin.

Friday, March 20, 2009


So my 22nd birthday was yesterday. What a day! I had to work from 8a.m. til 4 p.m. but ended not clocking out until 4:30. After work i went and picked my sister up to and then went home to pick Cody up to got over to my Aunt Melissa's house. It was not only my birthday it was my cousins, Josh, birthday too. OK i have to tell you this because i think it is pretty cool. I was the first granddaughter and my cousin Josh was the first grandson born. We were both born on March 19th, ten years apart. I just think that is so cool. Cody got me 2 dozen roses for my birthday, a computer chair (yes a computer chair because i am always on the computer and the chair we had before was not cutting it) he also got me two movies as well. I love him. I got some really nice things from my sister. She got me some shirts and a picture frame that has a pretty saying with our picture in it. My mom came to have lunch with me on my lunch break and she got me sewing things. I got a cow stuff animal from my grandmother and cows socks and two shirts. My daddy got me flowers. Both my aunts got me gift cards. I am so happy for i got. I have come up with a goal for me. Since i am 22 years old I want to lose 22 pound by May or June.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its Been One Day

Yesterday March 16th was the day our little cats got surgery. We took our cats to get fixed. That way neither Skyra can get pregnant or Gizmo get anyone pregnant. My sister and i dropped both cats off at 9:20 a.m. and picked them back up at 1:30 p.m. Gizmo was sore for a little and today he seems to be fine maybe in a little pain but not to bad. Skyra went into hidding last night and we had to get her out so she could eat a little. For the first time last night she hissed. She or Gizmo never have had before. Today Skyra seems a little sore and not herself yet. But i cant wait until they are both back to normal. I took some pictures today so you can see how big they have gotten and how they look. Since it was a little warm tonight i open the back door (well it is the front but i call it the back because it is in our bed room and no one comes in it).

Our Gismo what a cute kitty he is

My baby girl Skyra.

There they are looking out the door. The got a little scared a couple of times when some loud cars drove by.

There they are again. You can see that Skyra got shaved a little in the front of her. She has some stiches.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Family what a great thing to have. I love having my family close by. Last night Cody and i went over to my parents house to spend time with my sister, her boyfriend Steve, and my parents. My mom was baby sitting my little cousin. Then today we got done with work and went to see my aunts. The other week was my one aunts birthday, Jen. Cody and i were both sick so didn't get over to see her or give her her gift. So we went over tonight. Got to see my cousin Nathan who is just so cute. Family is very important to me. I could never move to far from them. I wish that Cody's family lived closer. Since family is very important to me, when Cody and I have kids i want family to be part of their lives. We don't want to spoil our kids to much. Yeah it is nice to get thing once in awhile. But the spending time with family should be more important then getting things. We have a little while to go before we decide what we are going to do for sure. Cody and I are looking forward to next month because Jon, Ashley and the boys are going to come out to see us. It will be their first time at our place. I am so ready to see them. March is going so slow. The weekend before they come out to see us we are going out to see them. So they get to see us twice in one Month. I cant wait and i know Cody misses them. Next week i am going to go to a job far. I am going to put my resume out in a couple businesses. Hopefully i will get a new job making a lot more. I know one of the jobs being a secretary they get paid $17 an hour. So if i can get an office job that would be so great. But they way jobs are right now i am not going to hold my breath. What happens, happens for a reason.