Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hard Work Paying Off Slowly

So Cody had off last Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and this past Monday to work on a project of his. He is changing his car from an automatic to a stick shift car. My Uncle Tim bought a car for Cody to use as parts. My Uncle Tim would help Cody when he needs help and other then that Cody is on his own pretty much. Cody has been enjoying working on his car. Cody still doesn't have his car done but is still working hard to getting it done. Monday he wanted to work on it but with the rain it kinda prevented him from. Cody had asked my Dad for help. So Sunday my dad and Cody were working on it. They needed a special tool to do something with it. My dad had the tool at work so they have to put it off until Cody has off again. I have pictures of everything down below. Friday was my 23rd birthday. I had a great day. I went to school, came home and Cody took me for lunch. We didn't go to any where special but it was our time together which i very much enjoyed. Then i went to my internship. Had a great time there. After that I went to my Aunt Melissa's house for pizza and a few drinks. My sister got me a birthday cake that was shaped like a cow. So when i get the pictures from her camera i will be sharing it with you all. Cody got me a hot chocolate maker and the New Moon movie. Which we went at midnight to get. Saturday I went and got my hair cut and colored (gift from my grandmother). Then at 2:30 went shopping with my mommy until 9:30 at nights while Cody worked on the car. I got a new microwave (since our microwave took a crap only after two years of having it). Tomorrow is my last day at Sam's Club. I am going to miss my friends and some other people but nothing else really. So here are the pictures I said I had to share.

Cody's Messy inside of car

Cody hard at work. I am so proud of him. He is going
to make one great mechanic one day.

My very dirty hubby.

The big mess. That is all the parts off his car.

More of the mess

Cody and my daddy talking about what needs to be done
and how about going at it.

The car my Uncle Tim bought for Cody to use for parts.

Car up in the air

What a mess!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bad Week End Good

So I am very happy to say that after March 24th, I will no longer be an employee of Wal-Mart Inc. I have put my two week notice. My internship offered me a job and I took it. I will no longer be working weekends. My hours are going to be different. I am so excited. Things are starting to get better for Cody and me. Almost all of our credit cards are paid off. I just paid one of Codys off the other day. Soon we can start looking for a new apartment. Cody is starting to work on his car earlier then he thought he would. With all that happened this week with being stocked and then Cody's brother had to go to the hospital things are getting better. I have wonderful family and ones that are like family that have Cody's and my backs. Soon we can have all credit cards paid off and medical bills paid off. Cody wants to start saving for my ring. I want to start saving for a wedding and for a house. Then we can save up for kids. Cody told me the other day, that nothing will keeps us apart. So we are a package deal. We may not be married but we are a package deal already.

To Jon and Ashley: thank you so much for letting us and keeping us up-to-date with how Jon is doing. Jon we are so happy that you are getting better. We love how close we are to the both of you and those wonderful nephews of ours. We love you all so very much.

So since i will have weekends off. I think in a couple of weekends away, I am going to take my cousin Cecila for a day. Havent seen her in a while. My birthday is on Friday. Cody took off for it and we are going to get our drink on at my aunts house. I was thinking about getting some our friends together and going out on Saturday but not sure yet.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rough Day Turned Better

Yesterday was so horrible. Had school yesterday but before i went something just didn't seem right so i lock our door (normally i don't because Cody is home but from now on it is going to stay locked). Well at school got this sick feeling in my stomach. Just when i got the sick feeling, i got a text message from Cody. His parents were at the house. He didn't answer the door. An hour later they were back at the door. He didn't answer again and sent me a text. I left school a little early. Got home ate something and another hour later they were at the door again. We didn't answer. Then his parents didn't leave but sat in the car down the street facing our apartment. An half hour goes by. We just cant stay home anymore. So Cody says lets just get in the car and drive away fast. Lets go to the junk yard. So i walked ahead of him and got in the car. He gets to his car. Since by then his parents see him and are yelling up to him that they want to talk to him. He yells go talk to you son Jon first. I don't want to talk to you. We got in the car and took off. Went a long way to the junk yard so we wouldn't be followed (he was going a little fast). We went to the junk yard to hid out at but also to get a part for my car. Didn't find the part so we went somewhere else to hid out at. Not going to say where because I for one know that you, MARTA, have been reading my blogs and some of the comments lately. I have it set up i can see how people get on to my site and then where they go on the site, how long they where on, what time they where on, and how long they were on. Any ways we went to my aunts house. My uncle had had a bad day so him talking to Cody and Cody talking to him helped them both for the most part. Cody made dinner for all of us. We got home late.

Cody should be having an interview either today or tomorrow for the job position at his job. He says if he doesn't get it he will start looking for a new job. He wont quit his job before having a new one. So lets hope he gets the job because he likes where he works just doesn't like the one supervisor and some of the stuff that person pulls.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good things are coming

Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy. ~Robert Anthony

So Cody text me today to tell me that a driving job is open at his job. I am so happy because this would be Cody would start work earlier and come on earlier. Plus it is more money. So Cody applied for it and they will start doing interviews next week for the job. I am praying he gets it. My internship is going great. My boss keeps telling me he doesnt want me to leave. He wants me to work there. I told him today that it is all on him. He is working on getting me in there. I just cant wait. I will be done with my internship April 9th so maybe he will hire me before then. He could decide to offer me a job on my birthday since i am working there on my birthday and not at my paying job. The reason for that is at my paying job i would get done at 7 and at the internship i would get done by 5:30 at the lastest. Cody is going to be starting on his car very soon. Working to get it changed over. He already asked my dad if he would help and my uncle will be helping. My dad sure thing. He doesn't mind helping. So it will be nice to see my dad and him working on a car together. They normally talk or play video games but this would be a change. It will help Cody learn more about cars so when he starts mechanic school it will help. I can wait til Cody becomes a mechanic. The one lady at my internship was telling me that her husband is a mechanic and he makes good money, has good benefits, and there is always a demand for mechanic. That isn't the first time i heard that. Guess there is a career in mechanics. My family, friends, Jon and Ashley are all for Cody becoming a mechanic. I am too. Getting out of debt is still going pretty good. After we are out of debt we can start saving up for a wedding and house and kids. Well i have not pictures today but maybe i will be able to get some of the car that Cody is taking apart for parts and Cody's car.